We are having some work done on the house and this cold snap is not helping the construction progress! It was past time to renovate the front of house - leaking windows, ice dams in the winter, broken tile, etc. So we bit the bullet and hired a construction company to do the work. There are always problems and delays - too cold, too much snow - you get the idea. But the roof is on and shingled, so we no longer listen to the tarp flapping in some of the high winds we had. But I decided I really did not like a window and decided we needed to replace it now before the insulation and drywall is done. I tried really hard to like the upper windows but there was no convincing my limited sense of aesthetics that it was right. So the draftsman redrew the windows to what I had to be done the first time and we will proceed. But with delays, of course!
The pups are managing reasonably well. Their wings have been clipped, so to speak. No more racing through the house as everything from the atrium is in the dining room. And only a few precious tuns through the yard as we had to fence off an area for their safety. I do inspect the ground in the front and after I pick up all of the loose nails, I let them run for a little while. But I must be very careful that they do not hurt their paws. And of course all there have peed on the lumber! No surprise there.
We did get about 5-6 inches of snow and we all are enjoying it. The boys were out running around, rolling around and also eating it.
My little Carolina wren is inside the feeder. She is so cute and I hope she is able to build a nest nearby this Spring.
She was able to get a cold sunflower seed and take it to her warm spot - under the dumpster!

I do not mind shoveling snow - the first time! It generally is peaceful and quiet and it is good exercise for me. I let the dogs out in a secure area and they watch carefully. No doubt they look for an escape so they can join me.
We are enjoying a winter wonderland!
Shorty is now a senior dog and he runs and walks carefully in the snow. But he is enjoying it and shortly after coming back inside he nudged me to let him back outside. He is such a good boy.
Gunnarr was the real surprise, He seems to endless energy and was running all around the yard at full speed. He is also such a good boy but he had a harder time adjusting the inside and outside changes. When the construction is done, he will enjoy his new quarters!
Fionnegan ran around the yard, too. But he spent most of his time eating snow and keeping Shorty company. He is just too cure for words!
Fionnegan and Shorty.

Fionnegan and Gunnarr. Their bond is incredible but they are litter mates so that is to be expected.
Ann the three of them are never far apart from each other - a very special pack!
Shorty with a little snow on his eyebrow and nose.
He sleeps next to Fionnegan.
Then moves to rest near Gunnarr. The three of them are apart 2 feet from each other!
Must clean one's paws before coming back inside the house!
Hope you all are safe during this near nationwide freeze. Soon it will be Spring. You can feel the days getting longer.
Until next time.............