We were most fortunate to have weather conducive to the gardens. Some hot weather, some rain and did they ever grow and bloom! My favorite time for the gardens is abut mid-May when all of the weeds are pulled and there is room to walk around the lilies along the stone pathway! Also, the azaleas, dogwood, and rhododendrons are quite beautiful. But in a short couple of weeks, the mountain laurel, mock orange, verbenas, climbing roses, and peonies are in bloom. After that all of the greenery grows into a jungle! Soon the summer flowers will be in bloom as we have beautiful succession gardens around the house and the driveway. If a "weed" is flowering, I let them bloom and enjoy the beauty.
Please enjoy the "bouquet" of flowers from my gardens.
New Dawn Rose - climbing along the fence and looks gorgeous.
Purple cone flower. I have a few broken clay pots so I buried the sides of the pots halfway into the ground without their bottoms. It gives the impression of flowers growing in the pots with the advantage that the roots reach the ground and access the rain water.
Yes, this is a dandelion! It is pretty! 
We have purple and white geraniums as ground cover in some flower beds.
Foxglove. Initially they were purple, then every year thereafter they are yellow!
The first blooming lily of the season - Stella d'Ora.
Pink mountain laurel with a bee.
Evening primrose.
Iris in front of the mock orange shrub.
Mock orange.
The first rose of Spring - it was pink in an area where white roses grow!
Mountain laurels of various colors. My favorite is the white one.

Irises of different colors.
Honeysuckles for the hummingbirds!
White peony.
White lilacs by the front door. You can smell the fragrance throughout the house!
White old fashion rose. Blooms once early in Spring but grows prolifically.

My beautiful lady slippers growing on our hillside in the woods. I look forward every year to finding them. They are safe from the dogs as the hill is outside of the fenced area for the boys to run. Good move.
Triplets. Same place every year.
The four of us! Can you find me?
We had a lovely walk in the forest this morning and the boys are exhausted! They can do at least two hours of walking if it is cool. So the wooded trail is perfect - if you are careful about ticks! Pulled one from Gunnarr right on the bridge of his nose, none on Fionnegan or Shorty.
All smile - Someone will sleep well tonight!
We hope you all are well and enjoying this beautiful day. Hope you also enjoyed this bouquet of spring flowers and blossoms! Happy Father's Day.
Until next time...................................