After a thrilling if not adventurous local ferry ride from Ta'u, we all arrived safely to Ofu. The winds were high creating huge swells of waves and the boat did roll back and forth - a bit! How the locals do this every day I have no idea. Out captain and first mate were going fishing once we left. Apparently, our ferry took the windy route, the second ferry want around the other side if the island for a much calmer ride.
Ofu is absolutely beautiful. Paradise in a word. The water is blue, there are sandy beaches and the forest covered mountains come down to the sea. Perfect.
I tried to take some pictures from the ferry of the adjacent islands connected by a bridge. Out tour guides jumped off the bridge into the water. Crazy!
Church on Ta'u where we started out journey. We should have been allowed inside to pray for a safe passage before we left!
Here is our captain. Is he smiling because he is relieved we made it?????
Yes, sat on that bench with not a rail to hold onto!
Des, out tour guide in training, probably also thrilled to have made it!
This is mountain we hiked. See the first posting on America Samoa.
We spent several days on the Manu'a islands at the Vaota Lodge. It was really nice with a main lodge that contained a kitchen and living room and dining room. Sleeping quarters were in separate bungalows. The proprietors are Deb and Ben. Deb said her father was in the Navy and when he retired, he built the lodge with barrack style bungalows. This is my bungalow. My shoes are drying in the sun! It was really the first time we had weather suitable to drying our clothes quickly.

The beautiful grounds are well maintained by Ben and Deb. There is a large variety of tropical plants and they do attract a number of birds. You knew I would be birdwatching!
Took a nap along the sea after a busy traveling day. The bench was comfortable and the sound of the ocean lulled me to a restful slumber - if only for a short time.
I wasn't the only one in the mood for some down time!
I liked this dog. He was very ornery but would listen to commands. All of a sudden, Ben and Deb told us he took a great dislike to another one of their dogs and they have to keep them separated. This is the dog that is the object of the aggression. He is short like my Shorty! Look at those short legs. He was adorable, too.
We did hike through various parts of the National Park.
Took the opportunity to photograph some of the birds and flowers.
We could see the Imperial Pigeons every morning in the trees behind the bungalows. Well worth getting up before the crack of dawn! Fortunately, they are big enough to easily see.
Talk about getting your feathers ruffled!
Took a solo hike to Sili Village. It is no longer occupied but was a wonderful hike along the coast to get to the abandoned homes. The village had been destroyed by cyclones.
Black Lizard.
Abandoned home. I walked all around and looked inside the windows. I got the clear impression that the people who lived there left in a big hurry - a bicycle was inside, cooking pots on the counter, curtains on the windows, a child's bike outside.
I wonder if the child missed his/her teddy bear. We had to present at a talent show on our last night here. Since I have no presentable talent, I told a story about a traveler who likes to explore "off the beaten path" and wove the story around the abandoned home and teddy bear. The questions at the end were - did they make it to safety? did the child miss the stuffed animal? did the child get new one? did they ever come back home?
A gorgeous Pacific kingfisher. Lighting wasn't great but he was in full view.
Papaya eaten by fruit bats.
Des, Deb, Ben, Pika. Vaoto Lodge.
Deb with that ornery pooch.

In the evening, we had a wonderful group dinner, talent show and participation in a special Samoan ceremony and the ava beverage for family. We also were entertained by local dancers. A very special evening.
Pika telling us about the significance of the ceremony and the importance of family and tradition and culture.
Des, demonstrating the art of making leis.
Des and Pika.
Traditional dancing.
The group of travelers and some of the residents of Ofu.
These two were missing from this group photo (they were far left). She also celebrated her birthday on the trip.
The photographer of the group picture was also our cook and guide up Mt Tumu.
The man behind the camera!
We were off the next morning, flying back to Pago Pago to prepare for our flights home.
Airport at Ofu right next to the Vaoto Lodge.
Fire station.

Sunrise over Olosega.
Out chariot arrived early.
The fire truck is onsite by the runway for each arrival and departure. Interesting enough, the fire station is right next door to the airport terminal.
Ofu Airport Runway.
Children at the airport dressed for Halloween.
Back in Pago Pago we went shopping then had some free time to explore. I went to visit the local markets, Hayden Museum and general scenes.
Frigate bird.
Look at all of that spam. Doyou see the spam light? It is there!
Combination Halloween and birthday party at the American Samoan Community Cancer Center. Yes, I stopped in there as I met one of the doctors that work there. Really nice people and they offered me cake and a beverage and called their director for me to meet her!
StarKist cannery. Yes, you can smell it a mile away.
Myna bird. They are every where.
Did have the opportunity to crew on an outrigger. I loved it. Had paddled while in Yap and I really enjoy the sport. No yacht club, this was the closest I came to finding one. It is really good exercise.
So as the trip came to a close, I did have the opportunity to sip on a gin and tonic by the sea as I watched the reflection of the sunlight in the clouds. I reflected on the dreams of a young woman surgeon oh so long ago and smiled at the memories created this past week. It always works out in the end, doesn't it?
American Samoa is a beautiful island with beautiful and warm people. It was worth the wait and the dreams.