It was a really busy week, workwise. We had a chance for a couple of walks after work, too. SO when Sunday comes around, it is nice to relax. A bit. But it is hard not to pull weeds and do a few easy chores, like laundry and keeping the house clean. With three boys, I mean three dogs, it is nonstop except when they are asleep. And when the take a nap, I do try not to move out of the room so as not to wake them! They follow me all around the house - like puppy dogs! If I get up all three come with me, then they lie back down and close there eyes, Then when I am finished, they follow me to the next room. It is almost too comical., They do not want to miss a thing, so they stay awake as long as they can, but their eyes get tired and sleepy and they nod off while trying to keep me company.
The late morning/early afternoon was particularly nice. We had time for me to read a book and while we all kept an eye on the birds at the feeders. Fionnegan, Gunnarr and Shorty recline on the porch and do keep an eye on the activity. They are not keen on bicyclists and do run to the gate to bark at them. I don't mind, the roads are rather narrow here and the bikers are a bit of a hazard. Sometimes I would like to bark at them too!
Here are my boys relaxing on the kitchen porch after a nice lunch. They look as if they are having a major discussion on some special doggy topic. I often wonder what they make of their environment and activities.

I took the opportunity to try to take a few pictures of the birds at the suet feeder. It is just far enough away not to scare the birds and just barely close enough to be in near focus. Sadly, the pileated woodpecker was not around today. He is often here in the afternoon when I am doing yard work, without a camera.
We have another cardinal nest near the house. We are doing our best to not disturb the little family but I do enjoy watching them as they were building the nest and now as they feed.
This is the male cardinal.

And here is his lady bird. They were definitely aware of us on the porch and I did my best not to be intrusive.

We have a few woodpeckers at the feeders. Here is a hairy woodpecker. One day we had two fighting for the right to feed! He is a beautiful bird.

The feeder is near an old rose bush. Soon the roses will be in bloom.
We also have a lot of blue jays and their young have already fledged. We see a young one at the feeders often. He is a handsome bird.
Here is a tufted titmouse. He is a friendly bird and quite a few of them are at the house. Once when I was on the porch, one flew next to me, called his biddies, at least seven came and sat on the bush by me, they called out again then flew away. I think the first one was telling them I was the one who feeds them!

Look close inside the flower basket. There is a little chipping sparrow! Must be some seeds or suet dropped by the bigger birds as the basket is close to the suet feeder.
Waiting his turn patiently, the downy woodpecker comes to the suet feeder for his lunch. This is the first year I have fed the birds suet, thanks to a gift from my friend Diane. Now I keep the suet holders full of tasty food for the woodpeckers.

OK, it does look like this blue jay dunked a basket doesn't it? Maybe bluebirds dunk peanuts?
The gardens are also looking very nice. Lots of flowers, the azaleas were gorgeous and so was the pink dogwood and crabapple tree. No blossoms on the apple tree this year. Here is a mix of various flowers. It is nice to have so many pretty colors in the garden.

And here are my boys. Never far away from their Momma bear! They are really happy little doggies!

Shortly after lunch, it rained. No walk after lunch. That is right, I don't feel up to giving them a bath and walks after a rain leave twelve paws muddy! We will walk tomorrow after work when the sun is shining and the paths are dry! Rainy days are good days for the boys to take a nap!
The late morning/early afternoon was particularly nice. We had time for me to read a book and while we all kept an eye on the birds at the feeders. Fionnegan, Gunnarr and Shorty recline on the porch and do keep an eye on the activity. They are not keen on bicyclists and do run to the gate to bark at them. I don't mind, the roads are rather narrow here and the bikers are a bit of a hazard. Sometimes I would like to bark at them too!
Here are my boys relaxing on the kitchen porch after a nice lunch. They look as if they are having a major discussion on some special doggy topic. I often wonder what they make of their environment and activities.
I took the opportunity to try to take a few pictures of the birds at the suet feeder. It is just far enough away not to scare the birds and just barely close enough to be in near focus. Sadly, the pileated woodpecker was not around today. He is often here in the afternoon when I am doing yard work, without a camera.
We have another cardinal nest near the house. We are doing our best to not disturb the little family but I do enjoy watching them as they were building the nest and now as they feed.
This is the male cardinal.
And here is his lady bird. They were definitely aware of us on the porch and I did my best not to be intrusive.
We have a few woodpeckers at the feeders. Here is a hairy woodpecker. One day we had two fighting for the right to feed! He is a beautiful bird.
The feeder is near an old rose bush. Soon the roses will be in bloom.
We also have a lot of blue jays and their young have already fledged. We see a young one at the feeders often. He is a handsome bird.
Here is a tufted titmouse. He is a friendly bird and quite a few of them are at the house. Once when I was on the porch, one flew next to me, called his biddies, at least seven came and sat on the bush by me, they called out again then flew away. I think the first one was telling them I was the one who feeds them!
Look close inside the flower basket. There is a little chipping sparrow! Must be some seeds or suet dropped by the bigger birds as the basket is close to the suet feeder.
Waiting his turn patiently, the downy woodpecker comes to the suet feeder for his lunch. This is the first year I have fed the birds suet, thanks to a gift from my friend Diane. Now I keep the suet holders full of tasty food for the woodpeckers.
OK, it does look like this blue jay dunked a basket doesn't it? Maybe bluebirds dunk peanuts?
The gardens are also looking very nice. Lots of flowers, the azaleas were gorgeous and so was the pink dogwood and crabapple tree. No blossoms on the apple tree this year. Here is a mix of various flowers. It is nice to have so many pretty colors in the garden.
And here are my boys. Never far away from their Momma bear! They are really happy little doggies!
Shortly after lunch, it rained. No walk after lunch. That is right, I don't feel up to giving them a bath and walks after a rain leave twelve paws muddy! We will walk tomorrow after work when the sun is shining and the paths are dry! Rainy days are good days for the boys to take a nap!
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