We saw many, many shore birds and I do not think I will ever be finished editing the many photographs! There are a few favorites that I wish to share with you.
We visited a lot of protected land and waterways. An excellent investment by our country to protect wildlife and to allow people to enjoy the natural scenery and birds and other animals. We visited the birding boardwalk at the South Padre Island Convention Center. A great place to visit, especially around just before sunset.
Watching me watching you.
Laughing gull.
Tricolor heron and great blue heron. I could watch these birde fish and fly all day. I had never seen a tricolor heron in the past.
Snowy egret.
Roseate spoonbills.
Red slider. OK, not a bird, just checking to see if you are paying attention! He is cute, too.
Yellow legs. It was very interesting to watch him feed. I could have watched this bird all day! I actually think I did.
Blue winged teal. We saw many ducks, including whistling duks, Mexican ducks, mallards, black ducks, blue winged teals, crimson teals, ruddy ducks, buffleheads, pin-tailed ducks, shovelers, widgeons, red headed ducks and mergansers. Most of the ducks were old friends and I always enjoy watching them feed and fly. Never gets old.
Sora walking along the rushes. Another new bird for me. And very excited to see her.
Pair of green winged teals. Basking in the evening sunlight.
American coot.
Great blue heron wathcing the sunset through the fence.
Black Backed Stilts - look at those pink legs!
Black backed stilts.
Ducks, stilts.
Great white heron in the front. Little blue heron (white phase) in the back.
Great white heron.
Look close at this next photograph.. Yes, there are cows, but what else do you see?
Is this a little more helpful?
Sandhill cranes. A first for me as well.
Now you can see them.
And a recap of the reason for the trip - to observe the magnificent and endangered Whooping Crane.
The captain of the boat for the tour to see the Whooping crane said this viewing was in his top ten ever. Our guides said it was the best they have ever been able to see the cranes. Rain or not. They are lovely, and I hope that the continued efforts to save these birds are met with much success and public awareness. Wikipedia said only 505 on last count are in the wild (Aransas National Wildlife refuge-Wood Buffalo National Park Alberta/Northwest Territories, Canada) and approximately 300 more were raised in captivity and are on the Louisiana- Wisconsin or Florida flyway. A lot more efforts need to be done to protect breeding grounds. This concludes my 2019 book report on the whooping crane. Maybe I will do an update on the whooping crane in the future as my interest in the birds spans my lifetime from grade school to the present!

This was a wonderful trip. Not relaxing and not much sleep but I learned many things about birds, wildlife, conservation and the "border wall". I observed many new birds and the opportunity to observe some that I seen in the past. Always good to refresh your memory on names, shapes, markings and calls.
A very special thank you to our two skillful and very nice guides Jake and Evan. Without them I might have seen only a handful of birds. Maybe a handful.
There are still many photographs for me to review, especially of the shore birds. If there are any special ones, I will post at a later date. Right now I need to get the house in order. And tend to my boys.
For me, travel is such a gift and blessing. I feel very fortunate when I have the opportunity to travel and see God's world in new places as well as visiting special and familiar stomping grounds. I do not know where this road may lead me next, but I am looking forward to future adventures, whether they are in my backyard or abroad to a new land.
Until next time, stay well ...……………..