Happy Father's Day to all of your Dads and Granddads and Dads to be!
Summer - day 1. What a day. It was hot indeed. Started the morning with a lovely kayak trip on the Concord River. It was the first outing this summer and was thoroughly enjoyable. No pictures this time as I took only hopes and dreams and left all other gear and troubles and worries elsewhere. I did feel a little guilty leaving the boys at home and not taking them for a walk. But this morning was much needed for exercise and peace and quiet. And it was too hot for them to walk much, even early in the morning in the woods. We have no air conditioning at home, so we were hot all night! Thank heavens for fans. So I left a fan running for them and slipped out. Yes, they did get treats.
Along the river I saw a couple of turtles, quite a few great blue herons, red winged blackbirds, mourning doves, tree swallows, one osprey and a kingbird. The swallows were busy skimming insects along the surface of the water. One little turtle jumped in front of the kayak after I momentarily stopped due to a snag. He was probably a bit more surprised than me! There were more people than usual on the river at this time of morning, probably many of us in the same boat - in need of exercise and a chance to stretch our muscles and just simply enjoy being outside without a mask. Most of the trip was very quiet and I heard only the sound of the birds and the oars dipping into the river. On occasion there was a motor boat with eager fishermen. One had a little fellow, probably 5, fishing with his father and grandfather. He was so cute and was helping with a fish that was just caught. His granddad said he loves fishing and he had a perfect casting technique. What a little sweetheart.
Oh yes, one of the reasons why I hit a snag was that I moved over to give a motor boat a wide berth so he did not get tangled in the "seaweed" and overgrowth. It is easier to paddle through the growth than it is to motor. And it is easy to bounce over a snag - usually. Had no problems and just simply enjoyed the freedom and quiet and peaceful feeling. It is also a nice way to observe wildlife and birds feeding and fishing.
Once back at home we all did a little yard work. The boys like to help! They follow me all over the yard and wait for me at the gates. Then I went to CPYC for my first lunch on the deck. Funny to have lunch wearing a mask! But we sat outside and enjoyed the sea view and the thunder clouds approaching the shore. No rain on us, but a beautiful display of lightning. It is so nice to be getting closer to normal. There were very few boats at the moorings or dock. My Mimi is still waiting for her overhaul. Everyone is backed up as few were able to work. We will see if I can get her ready in time to sail before the summer ends. I did check on my mooring and it is there with the buoy. That is a good start!
Here are Fionnegan and Gunnarr. Two happy dogs just after a bath. No hair cut for three months. If they were not so hot I would leave their hair long. My fluff muffins. Whenever we go walking Fionn always reclines on a cool patch of grass. Sadly, we have very little grass in our yard. But he always finds a cool patch somewhere and just smiles.

Shorty is doing very well. He has adapted to our summers and winters and Fionnegan and Gunnarr. He likes to play and wrestle with them but seems to be annoyed whenever they bark at dogs on the television. He just looks at me and leaves the room. He loves walks in the woods and we have been going on walks whenever it is cooler for them. But he still is a bit of a challenge when it comes to brushing, and forget the bath. But he stays clean with 5 to 6 towel rubs per day and a towel bath every week. Maybe I annoy him too!

Fionnegan Gunnarr

And Shorty grooming his paws. Who needs nail cutters when yo have teeth and asphalt walks.

Until this week, the gardens have looked beautiful. But the heat and no rain are taking their toll. The mock orange shrub has a lovely fragrance, the honeysuckle has attracted hummingbirds, and here we have a cute little squirrel eating herbs in a hanging flower basket. Do you think he could read the sign?

Old fashion roses. One bloom per year and this year was specular.


New dawn rose. Delicate pink color with a delicate fragrance.

Mountain laurel - one of my favorites.

I do hope you all are well.
I am because my little dog knows me. - Gertrude Stein
Until next time........
Summer - day 1. What a day. It was hot indeed. Started the morning with a lovely kayak trip on the Concord River. It was the first outing this summer and was thoroughly enjoyable. No pictures this time as I took only hopes and dreams and left all other gear and troubles and worries elsewhere. I did feel a little guilty leaving the boys at home and not taking them for a walk. But this morning was much needed for exercise and peace and quiet. And it was too hot for them to walk much, even early in the morning in the woods. We have no air conditioning at home, so we were hot all night! Thank heavens for fans. So I left a fan running for them and slipped out. Yes, they did get treats.
Along the river I saw a couple of turtles, quite a few great blue herons, red winged blackbirds, mourning doves, tree swallows, one osprey and a kingbird. The swallows were busy skimming insects along the surface of the water. One little turtle jumped in front of the kayak after I momentarily stopped due to a snag. He was probably a bit more surprised than me! There were more people than usual on the river at this time of morning, probably many of us in the same boat - in need of exercise and a chance to stretch our muscles and just simply enjoy being outside without a mask. Most of the trip was very quiet and I heard only the sound of the birds and the oars dipping into the river. On occasion there was a motor boat with eager fishermen. One had a little fellow, probably 5, fishing with his father and grandfather. He was so cute and was helping with a fish that was just caught. His granddad said he loves fishing and he had a perfect casting technique. What a little sweetheart.
Oh yes, one of the reasons why I hit a snag was that I moved over to give a motor boat a wide berth so he did not get tangled in the "seaweed" and overgrowth. It is easier to paddle through the growth than it is to motor. And it is easy to bounce over a snag - usually. Had no problems and just simply enjoyed the freedom and quiet and peaceful feeling. It is also a nice way to observe wildlife and birds feeding and fishing.
Once back at home we all did a little yard work. The boys like to help! They follow me all over the yard and wait for me at the gates. Then I went to CPYC for my first lunch on the deck. Funny to have lunch wearing a mask! But we sat outside and enjoyed the sea view and the thunder clouds approaching the shore. No rain on us, but a beautiful display of lightning. It is so nice to be getting closer to normal. There were very few boats at the moorings or dock. My Mimi is still waiting for her overhaul. Everyone is backed up as few were able to work. We will see if I can get her ready in time to sail before the summer ends. I did check on my mooring and it is there with the buoy. That is a good start!
Here are Fionnegan and Gunnarr. Two happy dogs just after a bath. No hair cut for three months. If they were not so hot I would leave their hair long. My fluff muffins. Whenever we go walking Fionn always reclines on a cool patch of grass. Sadly, we have very little grass in our yard. But he always finds a cool patch somewhere and just smiles.
Shorty is doing very well. He has adapted to our summers and winters and Fionnegan and Gunnarr. He likes to play and wrestle with them but seems to be annoyed whenever they bark at dogs on the television. He just looks at me and leaves the room. He loves walks in the woods and we have been going on walks whenever it is cooler for them. But he still is a bit of a challenge when it comes to brushing, and forget the bath. But he stays clean with 5 to 6 towel rubs per day and a towel bath every week. Maybe I annoy him too!
Fionnegan Gunnarr
And Shorty grooming his paws. Who needs nail cutters when yo have teeth and asphalt walks.
Until this week, the gardens have looked beautiful. But the heat and no rain are taking their toll. The mock orange shrub has a lovely fragrance, the honeysuckle has attracted hummingbirds, and here we have a cute little squirrel eating herbs in a hanging flower basket. Do you think he could read the sign?
Old fashion roses. One bloom per year and this year was specular.
New dawn rose. Delicate pink color with a delicate fragrance.
Mountain laurel - one of my favorites.
I do hope you all are well.
I am because my little dog knows me. - Gertrude Stein
Until next time........
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