Sunday, July 24, 2022

07.24.2022 Summertime Gardens

 Summer gardens are in full bloom and the variety of lilies makes the view really special. The beebalm (bergamot) has spread along the garden down the driveway and it is really a pretty site.

It is very hot and humid, just like when Shorty and I lived in Yap. It hasn't rained in a long time and the gardens do look a little sad and dry. And let's not forget the bunnies that ate all of my daisies, black-eyed Susans and purple coneflowers. And then there are the trampled paths from my boys chasing the bunnies and froggies. I have not watered the gardens as we have a well and I do not want to risk depleting my only water supply. So brown plant leaves it is! But the lilies still bloom and I do enjoy them very much.

We still go for our early Sunday morning walks. The dogs love the walks through the woods. You should see how excited they get when the sense we are going for a walk. This morning as I was changing my shirt Gunnarr sensed that we were walking so he lets out one excited bark. Then Fionnegan comes running into the room all excited and jumping up and down only to be followed by Shorty. Three excited dogs, how could I not take them on a walk?

Last week we watched two trees crash to the ground just behind us (see Shorty's blog, We went back to see if the trail was cleared and the two trees were cleared but a third tree had fallen in the exact same place. I could actually walk under it so there was no obstruction to our path. We took a different route home, partly along the road and I don't think we will do that again.  I have to keep them on a very short leash and there is no time for sniffing or marking, so probably not much fun for them. There is a sidewalk that we can follow once we got that far, but it wasn't shaded, so we all were hot by the time we finished. Good thing we made an early start. I do keep water and a bowl in the car and Fionn wasn't much for sharing! He drank almost the whole bowl and then reclined right next to it. Fortunately for Shorty and Gunnarr it is a two minute drive to home and lots of cool water. After a cook-out (we ate inside) they all took a much needed nap.

Here are a few photographs of the lilies. Hope you enjoy them. The colors range from white, yellow, orange, pinks, apricot, purple and reds. They are early bloomers and late bloomers. With luck, there were still be a few lilies blooming for another two weeks. 

This stargazer lily is very fragrant. I planted a few in flowerpots as the gophers like to eat the bulbs. As it turns out, the bunnies like to eat the stems. They are close to the doors so we can also enjoy the fragrance inside the house.

The white lilies were very prolific, and also spread to new areas of the garden.

Pretty pink lilies, one of my favorites.

The ruffled edges make this one very attractive lily.

The pistils remind me of ballerina slippers!

Grasshoppers seem to like the lilies, too!

A little speckled but the deep purple is still beautiful. 

The bees and the hummingbirds have been buzzy around the gardens all summer.

Maybe that is enough of flower pictures for now. It took a long time to restore the blog. Somehow it went missing and I thought I lost all of my Yap blogs from 2014 - 2016. Then all of a sudden, after about an hour of clicking and searching, it retuned!

I do hope you all are well and not too hot and uncomfortable.  Until next time......

Three happy doggies - Fionnegan, Shorty and Gunnarr.

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