Sunday, May 12, 2024

05.12.2024. Happy Mother's Day

To all of the Mom's, hope you all had a very nice day. Hope you were able to do something special - even if it was to take 10 minutes to yourself! 

Hope you enjoy the photographs of my garden flowers!

We had a nice day, my fur babies and me. We had a nice morning walk, and I was able to enjoy the flowering trees and shrubs.

There is a hummingbird in this picture. Can you find it? 

Fionnegan and Gunnarr before the haircut and spa date today.

Shorty loves the camera! He puts his nose and eye right up to the lens.

For a full report, see Shorty's blog for the activities of the day!
05.12.2024. Happy Mother's Day and ... A special breakfast with my Momma

Hope you all have a lovely Mother's Day.

Until next time................

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