Well, it has been an immediate change in the dynamics of our household, but I am still the alpha dog! After many barks and snarls and even several bona fide attacks, it is now peaceful. Shorty has found his place and for the most part Fionnegan and Gunnar stay away from him. We spent most of yesterday socializing the dogs and they do run in the yard, but separately. Shorty stays close to me, and he looks very, very happy. We all went for a walk this afternoon and did three laps around the field - all on a leash and walking together. They were exhausted and after dinner they all crashed. Good!
Here we are on our first group walk. All three made it to the park and all made it home. Not a trivial matter as I opened the door for Fionn to get out (he wants to be carried as he had been shocked once in the past) and Shorty bolted without his leash. Now the door will not open unless all dogs have a leash attached! Shorty had been eyeing the neighbors yesterday and even whined a little as he looked longingly through the fence. So that is where he went and fortunately the neighbor helped me hook him with his leash. Initially I put Shorty in the cargo area of the car, but he jumped into the back seat with Gunnarr and Fionn promptly jumped to the front. The Boys.

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