It was a rocky start adding Shorty to our household, but not unexpected. Now, the boys are getting used to each other, know what food bowl belongs to whom, and everyone lines up to go "Outside" and "Inside" and "Pause for the paws". The cutest thing is watching Gunnarr give Shorty a good morning nose bump. Shorty also gave him a nose bump through the gate when I was getting Fionn and Gunnarr ready for their bath. Shorty joins us to watch an evening program, although he just sits on the couch next to me. He doesn't watch TV, and runs out of the room when Fionn and Gunnarr bark at the dog on television. Fionn and Gunnarr not only watch tv, but they know what commercial has a dog and know the theme songs and or voice of the announcer. So they wait in anticipation of the tv dog.
While Fionn tries to stay away from Shorty as much as possible, today Shorty gave him a nose bump as neither wanted to go outside to empty out in the rain. They are beginning to share beds and Shorty even jumps into the two boys "condo" that they stay in while I am at work.
We also had been out walking around the soccer fields and Shorty is doing fairly well on a leash. He doesn't like it, but I keep a firm hand on it and let him set a pace that is a bit fast for the two little ones but one that will tire Shorty. Then we went to the baseball field and I let all of them off leash. Bold move, but I had to know what Shorty would do if free. He walked along side of me and the boys then Fionn was cute and ran off and Shorty ran with him. Binding maybe? Bit Fionn ran on the infield and rolled around in the dirt buying him a bath as soon as we got home. Shorty fortunately just stood and watched him. Loco pero, I said. Shorty and Gunnarr agree.
Sorry to say not many pictures of them all together as it is a challenge to keep track and be sure there is peace in the valley!
Here is a picture of my co-pilot and navigator. We took a road trip to Pittsburgh for Easter and they were great companions. Yes, they are connected to the back seat by a seat belt and extend themselves to reach as close to me as possible. Cute little fluff muffins. Happy, too.

Shorty is really very happy and gives lots and lots of puppy kisses. He is also a nipper, so I have to be careful and try to break him of that. Look at those canine teeth. Ouch!
While Fionn tries to stay away from Shorty as much as possible, today Shorty gave him a nose bump as neither wanted to go outside to empty out in the rain. They are beginning to share beds and Shorty even jumps into the two boys "condo" that they stay in while I am at work.
We also had been out walking around the soccer fields and Shorty is doing fairly well on a leash. He doesn't like it, but I keep a firm hand on it and let him set a pace that is a bit fast for the two little ones but one that will tire Shorty. Then we went to the baseball field and I let all of them off leash. Bold move, but I had to know what Shorty would do if free. He walked along side of me and the boys then Fionn was cute and ran off and Shorty ran with him. Binding maybe? Bit Fionn ran on the infield and rolled around in the dirt buying him a bath as soon as we got home. Shorty fortunately just stood and watched him. Loco pero, I said. Shorty and Gunnarr agree.
Sorry to say not many pictures of them all together as it is a challenge to keep track and be sure there is peace in the valley!
Here is a picture of my co-pilot and navigator. We took a road trip to Pittsburgh for Easter and they were great companions. Yes, they are connected to the back seat by a seat belt and extend themselves to reach as close to me as possible. Cute little fluff muffins. Happy, too.
The boys playing on the back deck one evening.
Shorty is really very happy and gives lots and lots of puppy kisses. He is also a nipper, so I have to be careful and try to break him of that. Look at those canine teeth. Ouch!
Behind bars! Stuck in the kitchen when I had company.
Locked outside!
Let us in!
Shorty's nighttime sleeping quarters.
Glad to see they are starting to get along love the pictures.