Tuesday, July 3, 2018

07.03.18 Summer gardens

Summer has hit us hard with temperatures in the 90's. But the gardens look beautiful. thanks to a lot of rain last week. Fionnegan, Gunnarr and Shorty are enjoying the new space to run and play and they are getting a lot of exercise - providing I am outside with them. So I do yard work while they chase birds and squirrels and froggies. The gardens are also a nice place to relax after work and try to read a book for a little while.

Here are a few pictures of the flowers in bloom.
A gentle, delicate, pale pink rose. Planted along the fence hoping that it will not only survive but climb along the fence as a backdrop. The buds just started to open. These are the first of what I hope will be many flowers.

Opening this morning.

These flowers transferred themselves from another garden, but are welcome wanderers!

The lilies are starting the summer blooms.

My one vegetable - tomatoes. Soon they will ripen.

The dogs have been relatively good and not trampled the plants. Fionn likes to sit under the lavender while Shorty and Gunnarr sit on the boulder.

A little more color for the gardens.

And my boys outside, enjoying the summer morning.




Dirty paws, dirty noses, must stay outside and dry-off and clean up!

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