Saturday, February 20, 2016

02.21.16 Sunday in Yap

It was a beautiful morning and the trade winds are blowing. Went to Church and saw a lot of people I know from work and  the community. It was especially nice to see Julie, the previous Chief of Public Health and Lucy, who also works at the hospital.

After church we walked down the stone path and met up with Heidi and Honora, so we went and visited with Heidi and Amos, and Tommy, and Reina, and Honora and Theo and Aunt Sis for a while. They ahd a guest - John - from the eclipse fame, who is here to arrange travel to Woleai for the eclipse in March. Tough job.

Then we went to visit the green boat me. They are not allowed visitors anymore, but I was able to see them with the policeman. They are looking well, but a bit thin. They are healthy and being fed, but mobility is severely restricted. They receive medical care when needed and they just received a donation of supplies from people in Guam. (Always thought they should have made it to Guam. More resources.) They seemed to be in reasonably good spirits, considering the situation. Was not able to meet individually or in private. But I am much relieved to report that they are healthy and fed.

I do have a nice picture of all of the men and will post as soon as the internet will allow. It just willnot allow me to upload right now.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks dear .We all family members are very thankful to you for this .
