What a beautiful, late fall day. We still have a fair amount of snow in the yard that has persisted even though the temperature today was above freezing. We were all out in the yard enjoying the sunshine. I was shoveling snow from the porches and doing a few touchups on the drive. I know it is supposed to rain, but I do want to avoid any ice that develops just in case it doesn't. The forecast has been a bit off the mark after the snowfall last week, so I just want to be careful and avoid ice on the drive. The boys were off running around the yard, chasing squirrels and who knows what. They get along very well, and tend to stay close to where I am working even with the internal gates open.
It was nice to have the day off from work, even if I did house and yard work! The sunshine energized me, so once inside I cleaned out a closet and some cupboards. Felt good to do some "winter cleaning" and spruce the house up a bit for the holidays. The boys stayed awake, running up and down the stairs with me. They never miss a thing. I told then to stay when we were upstairs as I would be right back. Apparently stay in dog language means run downstairs sit on the landing and watch the activity from their perch. I have to be careful carrying things down as at least one is always at me heels. So I guess staying on the landing is half the battle won. After dinner they crashed, sitting at my feet as I worked on the computer.
Here are a few photographs taken of them during our outing in the yard.
Beautiful blue skies for the early afternoon. Could not be lovelier!

Fionnegan. He loves chasing Gunnarr, snow or not. He is my ornery one. Yes, he is focusing and waiting to jump on Gunnarr. They stare at each other for a few minutes, then run together and jump on each other. Boys.

Gunnarr is too interested in sniffing than he is in looking at the camera. He also is a bit shy of the camera.

Shorty with Gunnarr.

The boys running through the yard. Sniffing and exploring all of the scents under the snow.

And here is Shorty. It is hard to believe he is from Yap as he loves the cold and snow. He is the one who often barks to go outside just to run through the yard. First I let them out one door, then when he comes back inside the atrium and gets his paws dried, he runs to the other door to go outside in the b ack. So I just let them run and play and "empty out" at every opportunity. He is one handsome dog.

Had the chance to snap a photograph of a chickadee flying to the feeder. They are not too afraid of the dogs, but tend to snatch a sunflower seed when the dogs at not at the bottom of the feeder. I'll get some suet for the woodpeckers on my next shopping trip.

Easier to see that the bird is a chickadee.

Sniffing, sniffing, sniffing. Perhaps they can smell the squirrel. They know he is there and as soon as I let them out the door they run to the feeder to chase him away.

It was a good afternoon, but some the clouds arrived and it felt much colder. So inside the house we went for a few more chores then dinner. They were out cold after a good, hot meal. No football game needed!

Let sleeping dogs lie! And enjoy the piece and quiet for the moment. And if you are interested in life from Shorty's point of view, he has his own blog at mydogshorty.blogspot.com.
The town celebrated the 100th anniversary of the end of WWI by displaying poppies in the town center. Here Lady Liberty is wearing a cape made of poppies. Many of us in the town made the poppies, it was nice to contribute.

It was nice to have the day off from work, even if I did house and yard work! The sunshine energized me, so once inside I cleaned out a closet and some cupboards. Felt good to do some "winter cleaning" and spruce the house up a bit for the holidays. The boys stayed awake, running up and down the stairs with me. They never miss a thing. I told then to stay when we were upstairs as I would be right back. Apparently stay in dog language means run downstairs sit on the landing and watch the activity from their perch. I have to be careful carrying things down as at least one is always at me heels. So I guess staying on the landing is half the battle won. After dinner they crashed, sitting at my feet as I worked on the computer.
Here are a few photographs taken of them during our outing in the yard.
Beautiful blue skies for the early afternoon. Could not be lovelier!

Fionnegan. He loves chasing Gunnarr, snow or not. He is my ornery one. Yes, he is focusing and waiting to jump on Gunnarr. They stare at each other for a few minutes, then run together and jump on each other. Boys.

Gunnarr is too interested in sniffing than he is in looking at the camera. He also is a bit shy of the camera.

Shorty with Gunnarr.

The boys running through the yard. Sniffing and exploring all of the scents under the snow.

And here is Shorty. It is hard to believe he is from Yap as he loves the cold and snow. He is the one who often barks to go outside just to run through the yard. First I let them out one door, then when he comes back inside the atrium and gets his paws dried, he runs to the other door to go outside in the b ack. So I just let them run and play and "empty out" at every opportunity. He is one handsome dog.

Had the chance to snap a photograph of a chickadee flying to the feeder. They are not too afraid of the dogs, but tend to snatch a sunflower seed when the dogs at not at the bottom of the feeder. I'll get some suet for the woodpeckers on my next shopping trip.

Easier to see that the bird is a chickadee.

Sniffing, sniffing, sniffing. Perhaps they can smell the squirrel. They know he is there and as soon as I let them out the door they run to the feeder to chase him away.

It was a good afternoon, but some the clouds arrived and it felt much colder. So inside the house we went for a few more chores then dinner. They were out cold after a good, hot meal. No football game needed!
Let sleeping dogs lie! And enjoy the piece and quiet for the moment. And if you are interested in life from Shorty's point of view, he has his own blog at mydogshorty.blogspot.com.
The town celebrated the 100th anniversary of the end of WWI by displaying poppies in the town center. Here Lady Liberty is wearing a cape made of poppies. Many of us in the town made the poppies, it was nice to contribute.
Here is the poem that links poppies to WWI.
In Flanders Fields
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie,
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

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