Tuesday, August 4, 2015

08.04.15 Good news for green boat men

While we have made progress, we do not have sustainable progress and we are really hoping someone - Human Rights Watch, UN refugee agency, a news agency or someone can increase awareness of the plight of these men. I saw the US was giving away a few million green cards. Any sent here Mr. President?

My heartfelt thanks and deep appreciation to the US Navy Seabees. They have received approval (from the US Embassy and their commanding officer) for their medic Alex to help provide health care to the men - and the Yap Chief of Staff  has approved it as well. In addition, the Seabees will bring a weekly delivery of fresh vegetables and other food as needed. And they will build the steps from the driveway down a steep rolling grass hill to the Behavioral Health and Wellness program office. Very big steps for us. No pun intended. It is so good to see the Navy men and women here. Cannot wait to see completion of some projects. We have no sand here - Yap is an atoll with coral  and very little sand - so making cement steps is a bit of a challenge. But it will be done. Not to worry, pictures will follow as progress is being made.

We also have the health team in place. The two nurses who will perform the assessments are seasoned and extremely capable women. I have a lot of faith in them to keep this going even after I have finished my service.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Rosemary! I just received a comment on my post asking how to donate, so you may be getting another donation to the Rockethub campaign. It seems phone cards might be not be allowed, but could be used for some basic comforts. Keep an eye out.
