Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Fais - more pictures

Since I have returned to Yap I am busy with teaching an epidemiology course on survey writing and statistical analysis.  It appears that the grant proposal I wrote for funding for a statistical software package for Public Health was funded. The course is held three times a week and I am giving three sessions each course day in order to keep the classes small so  each person may receive individual attention. A lot  of the computer  work will be done on my personal computer.

The team is still talking about our trip to Fais. Here are more pictures of the team and members of the communities. It was a very memorable trip and I look forward to my return.

Yes, we all slept on the floor of the dispensary.

We all sat on the floor for Mass.

Guitar players on their way to Mass. There is no priest here. And this is the road on the island.

Beautiful girl and smile.

Isn't he adorable? He let me pick him up and pet him.

 The cute puppy has an owner. So,no, I did not bring him home with me!

Alphonso's wife making a very special lavalava.

Cute little girl. Natural hair color.

Playing cards during a little down time. It rained a lot, and during the heay rains, few were at the dispensary.

No, I did not climb up the tower!

Octopi. (More than one octopus)

Our guide on the cliff.

  The boys were using the iPad.

The sea and the shoreline are breathtakingly beautiful on Fais.

Octopus. Delicious.

Girls playing on the runway.
 Yellow grasshoppers.

Peace Corps Willl.

I like seeing the kids playing with the dogs.

Cute little girl with her teacher.

Kids no longer camera shy!

 One forgotten brief case. This is Juan, cousin of Father Kelly, and he works for the airline, weighing passengers and caro.


Amos doing his flight check. And we are off to Ulithi. Rain and wind were no deterent. And if we don't go today, we woud be on the neighboring islands for two more weeks as Amos is leaving town!


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