Friday, July 24, 2015

07.24.15 Yap Games

This week and next is Yap Games, sporting events frothe high school aged kids  and adults. It is competitive with each municipality and the outer islands sponsoring teams in track and field, soccer, volleyball, basketball and baseball. It is really fun to watch - the kids  are full of enthusiasm and are really good sports. Take a careful look at some of the pictures. Do you think the kids at home would be happy?

Men's volleyball. Gagil (red) vs. Outer Islands (white)

Our health team.

Girls basketball. Weloy - my Muni.

Navy Seabeeshelping out for track nad field events.

He has popcorn. They have a microwave in the store selling food. Very few have a microwave. I don't either.

Did you notice? Only one player on the OI volleyball team had shoes. And some of the track runners don't have shoes  and this one has no starting block. And there were no complaints. An official tried to give him some encouragement and he said no problem, he knew  how to start without a block. Good for him. And he did run like the wind.

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