Wednesday, July 29, 2015

07.29.15 Wednesday Books arrive

We are having a very busy week.

The very good news is that books from the USA have arrived for the men to read.. A very heartfelt thank you to Mrs. Paula Gibson who sent a nice collection. I walked them over to the dock just before a long and heavy monsoon type rain started. The men were very appreciative. Heidi also dropped off some food for them to the apartment and my little friend Alleric helped carry everything in the early evening. The police officer at the post said - why do you carry heavy packages? Why don't you drive? Yes, indeed. Just ask the Peace Corps why they forbid us from driving and they will say it is a national security issue. So I walk. It is good exercise.

Shorty is doing well, a couple nights of stomach upset - he eats anything he can find outside. So I suspect he eats some bad things as well. He passed up supper twice - not like him at all - and went straight to bed. He still does not like the kennel, but did reach in to grab on of his toys. Will give it time.

Everything is going well. Back to the office for a couple of last minute things to do tonight.

No other news on the technicality of the refugees. We all just wait.

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