Tuesday, November 25, 2014

11.25.14 Tuesday

So far it seems like a very long week and it is only Tuesday.

No new word on the disposition of our refugees or our poachers for that matter. However, and I don't have a picture of this because we were in discussion, but the Vietnamese were roasting a dog for dinner. They also  had a cat for a stew last night, I kid you not. When I saw the dog I was upset, especially since I had not seen Chocolate all day. I asked the head of the EPA three times where they got the dog and he said casually just some dog running around. Then I made a comment it had better not be my dog and he saw that I was very serious and worried, so he said it came from a village. I did not believe him and I worried the rest of the day because I couldn't find Chocolate in any of his usual places (like waiting for me by my stairs or on the road coming home). I went out later to look for  him again despite the threat of yet more rain and  finally found him. No one was ever so happy to see a stray dog as I was. He was fed and it is really cute how he eats right out of my hand and he is very gentle. Some of the boys around where I live now know his name so I let them feed him too. And also extracted a promise from the older one to keep an eye on him when I am not around. Chocolate now runs - he used to drag on behind me but today he was running ahead of me and turning around to see if I was still there. See a what few calories a day can do. His coat is also looking much better. (I was reminded that I also brought stray dogs home when I was a little girl. I do remember that,)

We saw a movie star at lunch today. Her name is Elizabeth Oropesa and is from the Philippines. The people in the restaurant (Ganir) were thrilled to see her. The man waving is the cook and he makes a great spicy chicken. I have started going there because 1) the price is right, and 2) they have football!!!!!!! They have a wide screen tv and we can watch Sunday and Monday and Thursday night games. I can get there sometimes on a Monday and today was just plane good luck. Ms. Elizabeth is wearing the hat. BTW - the cook said his favorite team is the New England Patriots.

Elizabeth with Graham, another Peace Corps Response volunteer (marine fisheries).

More hand made Christmas decorations.  They have put a few up in the Public Health office and the laboratory as well as the wards. This one is for me and I will figure out how to get it back with me.

Tuesday is "Little cuties day" Here is another little cute one who had really big smiles when I played with her. There are realy some really beautiful babies here.

1 comment:

  1. OMG! I guess it is true that many other cultures eaat dogs and cats! How awful and upsetting. Thank goodness it wasn't Chocolate. I'm glad you have a cat, too. I'm a cat person, myself.
